Apr 4, 2010
More Cruise-In News
Well, we hit up the cruise in once again, and tonight was a bit rowdier than last time. Two people almost started a fight, typical jock drama, and a few Mustangs decided they were going to have a... fishtailing contest? Odd choice, I know, but I'll be damned if their exhausts didn't sound so sweet. Also, the Graffiti Civic from the other post has apparently now been featured in Honda Tuning magazine, Super Street Online, and Tristate Tuner. I'll post links to those articles when they hit the net, but I'm still proud I found it first!
On the other hand, not too much happened tonight. There were a lot of old favorites, including the little Honda crew that went tearing off after Sam as he went to refuel. The Infiniti Skyline changed out the slick black-and-silver rims for some chrome and gold ones that resemble BBS style (a bit of a loss, I think, the black was awesome). Other than that, though, it was a pretty slow weekend. Understandable with Easter being tomorrow, but still a bit disappointing. On the upside, I have a new place and a new event that I'll be scouting out later on, thanks to the owner of the Zerolift Autolab, Mike Bailey. He talked to me about his new S2000 and pointed me towards an event happening this September, the Street Life Tour, which will be held at Kilkare Raceway. There will be drag and drift competitions, a general show-off, stunt bike demos, vendors, and live bands!
Needless to say, Team Tristate members will be attending. This fall guarantees to be interesting!
Pictures of the night to follow.
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